India Growing
Nagaland MonAboi

Aboi Population 2024

Aboi is a Town and Subdivision in Mon district of Nagaland state in India. Total number of villages in this Subdivision is 8. Aboi Subdivision sex ratio is 904 females per 1000 of males.

Aboi is Subdivision in Nagaland state, Aboi Subdivision population in 2024 is 19,104. According to 2011 census of India, Total Aboi population is 14,257 people are living in this Subdivision, of which 7,488 are male and 6,769 are female. Aboi population estimated to be 18,819 in 2023 and 18,249 in 2022. Literate people are 7,896 out of 4,442 are male and 3,454 are female. Total workers are 8,758 depends on multi skills out of which 4,669 are men and 4,089 are women. Total 3,473 Cultivators are depended on agriculture farming out of 1,771 are cultivated by men and 1,702 are women. 648 people works in agricultural land as a labour in Aboi, men are 195 and 453 are women.

Aboi population chart

The Aboi population chart is a graph that shows the distribution of all demographic groups, Literacy percentage is 55.38 percent, out of these 31.16 percent is male literates and 24.23 percent is female literates. Total Workers percentage is 61.43 percent, out of these 32.75 percent is male workers and 28.68 percent is female workers.Total Subdivision Agriculture farmers percentage is 24.36 percent in Aboi, out of these 12.42 percent is male farmers and 11.94 percent is female farmers. Aboi Labor percentage is 4.55 percent, out of these 1.37 percent is male labor and 3.18 percent is female labor. Aboi Subdivision people is divided down between male and female members of the population. The below graphic shows from Literacy to Households of Aboi Subdivision.

Aboi barchart on population, literacy, workers & households

Aboi Subdivision population list

Aboi Subdivision has a total of 8 locations/villages, Below is the population table listing as per the last census of 2011 showing male, female and household information in the Mon district.

Locations/VillagesPopulation 2011MaleFemaleHouseholds
Aboi Hq6,4983,4073,0911,188
Aopao Changle190999141
Ao Pao1,061556505191
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Aboi Subdivision Villages List

Aboi is a Subdivision in Mon district of Nagaland state in India. Below is the list of Towns and Villages in Aboi Subdivision. Total Number of Villages in this Subdivision list are 8.

  1. Chinglong
  2. Langmeang
  3. Aboi Hq
  4. Aopao Changle
  5. Ao Pao
  6. Ngangching
  7. Chuhachinglen
  8. Chuhachingnyu

Subdivisions of Mon

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