India Growing
NagalandPhekPhokhungriOld Thewati

Old Thewati Population 2024

Old Thewati is a Village in Phokhungri Subdivision, Phek district of Nagaland state in India. Old Thewati population in 2024 is estimated to be 236. According to 2011 census population is 183.

LocationOld Thewati
Population(2023/2024) est.228 - 236

The Old Thewati Village located in Phokhungri Subdivision, Old Thewati population in 2024 is estimated to be 236, According to last census in 2011, 187 People are living in this Village, out of these 96 are males and 91 are females. Population of Old Thewati is 228 in 2023 and 209 inhabitants in 2022. Literate people are 29 out of 18 are male and 11 are female. People living in Old Thewati depend on multiple skills, total workers are 93 out of which men are 50 and women are 43. Total 62 Cultivators are depended on agriculture farming out of 39 are cultivated by men and 23 are women.

Old Thewati

Population(2023/2024) est.228 - 236
Old thewati near the Myanmar border Piller no 132..the mean road junction upto Old thewati 7 or 8km.walking by foot only because .there is not transportation available.not making raod from govt side.most of people living hand to mouth.. The number of population is 196.and 30 house hole..and there is only two person Have got govt job one Is teacher and one is Indian army Assam regiment.the parents are illiterate only..but there children has good for study..this day 50%per went to college..the village people are very obedient.under the village leader are corruption leader only.what ever govt scheme will takeup under the village nothing is Developing village leader have a missed used the Development my request is change the rules The Development system.Donot give full authority to the village leader Developing scheme.this is not only happens in the old thewati village but most of small village have a lot broplem under the village.that why village leaders will changing every years.. Change and see change will come..

Old Thewati is a Village in Phek district of Nagaland, India. It falls under Phokhungri Subdivision.
Old Thewati population in 2023/2024 is between 228 and 236 and total households residing are 47.

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