India Growing
Nagaland TuensangShamator

Shamator Population 2024

Shamator is a Town and Subdivision in Tuensang district of Nagaland state in India. Total number of villages in this Subdivision is 11. Shamator Subdivision sex ratio is 988 females per 1000 of males.

Shamator is Subdivision in Nagaland state, Shamator Subdivision population in 2024 is 17,053. According to 2011 census of India, Total Shamator population is 12,726 people are living in this Subdivision, of which 6,403 are male and 6,323 are female. Shamator population estimated to be 16,798 in 2023 and 16,289 in 2022. Literate people are 6,765 out of 3,744 are male and 3,021 are female. Total workers are 4,830 depends on multi skills out of which 2,525 are men and 2,305 are women. Total 3,098 Cultivators are depended on agriculture farming out of 1,568 are cultivated by men and 1,530 are women. 115 people works in agricultural land as a labour in Shamator, men are 56 and 59 are women.

Shamator population chart

The Shamator population chart is a graph that shows the distribution of all demographic groups, Literacy percentage is 53.16 percent, out of these 29.42 percent is male literates and 23.74 percent is female literates. Total Workers percentage is 37.95 percent, out of these 19.84 percent is male workers and 18.11 percent is female workers.Total Subdivision Agriculture farmers percentage is 24.34 percent in Shamator, out of these 12.32 percent is male farmers and 12.02 percent is female farmers. Shamator Labor percentage is 0.90 percent, out of these 0.44 percent is male labor and 0.46 percent is female labor. Shamator Subdivision people is divided down between male and female members of the population. The below graphic shows from Literacy to Households of Shamator Subdivision.

Shamator barchart on population, literacy, workers & households

Shamator Subdivision population list

Shamator Subdivision has a total of 11 locations/villages, Below is the population table listing as per the last census of 2011 showing male, female and household information in the Tuensang district.

Locations/VillagesPopulation 2011MaleFemaleHouseholds
Kihoto Theological College Campus12666
Shamator N.A.P Post39519120471
Shamator Hq4,2572,1962,061734
Shamator Village1,159596563229
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Shamator Subdivision Villages List

Shamator is a Subdivision in Tuensang district of Nagaland state in India. Below is the list of Towns and Villages in Shamator Subdivision. Total Number of Villages in this Subdivision list are 11.

  1. Yakor
  2. Kihoto Theological College Campus
  3. Sangphur
  4. Chassir
  5. Muleangkiur
  6. Shamator N-a-p Post
  7. Liangkonger
  8. Shamator Hq
  9. Shamator Village
  10. Waphur
  11. Lasikiur

Subdivisions of Tuensang

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