India Growing

Tsosinyu Population 2024

Tsosinyu is a Village in Tsogin Subdivision, Kohima district of Nagaland state in India. Tsosinyu population in 2024 is estimated to be 877. According to 2011 census population is 682.

Population(2023/2024) est.849 - 877

The Tsosinyu Village located in Tsogin Subdivision, Tsosinyu population in 2024 is estimated to be 877, According to last census in 2011, 696 People are living in this Village, out of these 367 are males and 329 are females. Population of Tsosinyu is 849 in 2023 and 780 inhabitants in 2022. Literate people are 322 out of 178 are male and 144 are female. People living in Tsosinyu depend on multiple skills, total workers are 368 out of which men are 179 and women are 189. Total 340 Cultivators are depended on agriculture farming out of 162 are cultivated by men and 178 are women.


Population(2023/2024) est.849 - 877
Tsosinyu village is a medium sized village of around 100-150 houses.It is a Christian dominant village of 100% Christianity. The head of the village is call G.B(Gaon Bura) and he maintains laws and others in the village whereas development activities are carried out by the chairman.Currently there are four G.B. They are - Zakevi Khing,Shweyhunlo Kath and D.Charlie Khing.Nuokhrietuo is the chairman (2016- till date) Under it's village a newly village was created call Gwachonlo village with Loshübu Khing as the G.B and Guihulie Khing as the chairman.The two village has the combine church.
This is a photo of Tsosinyu village lower Kbel. 2012 click.
This is a photo of Tsosinyu village lower Kbel. 2012 click.This is Gwachonlo village A Newly village recognized under Tsosinyu village. It has a household of about 40-60. The main occupation of the village is the farming. The village is famous for the production of king chilly. The nearest town to the village is the Kohima town, the capital of Nagaland. The distance is about 40-50 km. The common language is the English and the local dialog(nzonkhwe). People are polite and they are also hospitable.
This is Gwachonlo village A Newly village recognized under Tsosinyu village. It has a household of about 40-60. The main occupation of the village is the farming. The village is famous for the production of king chilly. The nearest town to the village is the Kohima town, the capital of Nagaland. The distance is about 40-50 km. The common language is the English and the local dialog(nzonkhwe). People are polite and they are also hospitable.

Tsosinyu is a Village in Kohima district of Nagaland, India. It falls under Tsogin Subdivision.
Tsosinyu population in 2023/2024 is between 849 and 877 and total households residing are 137.

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