India Growing

Thenyizumi Population 2024

Thenyizumi is a Village in Chetheba Subdivision, Phek district of Nagaland state in India. Thenyizumi population in 2024 is estimated to be 4,127. According to 2011 census population is 3,210.

Population(2023/2024) est.3,996 - 4,127

The Thenyizumi Village located in Chetheba Subdivision, Thenyizumi population in 2024 is estimated to be 4,127, According to last census in 2011, 3275 People are living in this Village, out of these 1598 are males and 1677 are females. Population of Thenyizumi is 3,996 in 2023 and 3,668 inhabitants in 2022. Literate people are 2043 out of 1056 are male and 987 are female. People living in Thenyizumi depend on multiple skills, total workers are 1565 out of which men are 746 and women are 819. Total 997 Cultivators are depended on agriculture farming out of 436 are cultivated by men and 561 are women. 41 people works in agricultural land as a labour in Thenyizumi, men are 28 and 13 are women.


Population(2023/2024) est.3,996 - 4,127
Thenyizumi Baptist Church
Thenyizumi Baptist ChurchThenyizumi field.
During relief day conducted by TBC
Thenyizumi field. During relief day conducted by TBCHut which is a house in the fields
Hut which is a house in the fieldsSeidzü river which is one of the largest valley and river among the Chakhesang or Tenyimia region. These view of rivers and paddy field are in Thenyizumi village.
Seidzü river which is one of the largest valley and river among the Chakhesang or Tenyimia region. These view of rivers and paddy field are in Thenyizumi village. Christian Revival Church at Thenyizumi village under phek district Nagaland.
Christian Revival Church at Thenyizumi village under phek district Nagaland.

Thenyizumi is a Village in Phek district of Nagaland, India. It falls under Chetheba Subdivision.
Thenyizumi population in 2023/2024 is between 3,996 and 4,127 and total households residing are 753.

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